Is that really what you see or what you think you see?
As humans we have the ability to see, using our vision we chose what we decide to look at and give our attention to. Using our vision we are able to see a various amount of colors, shapes and sizes. It is how we receive and comprehend these images that determines how will feel about an image. These are things we do in our everyday life but even more when we are viewing videos, pictures, and even people. A poster however, can incorporate all those things in one!
Easy on the eye

Unlike the other two posters this one has multiple images incorporated into one poster. When first looking at the poster, you may get the idea that there are a lot of colors being used in one poster. However, if continue to view the poster you will realize that their aren't a lot colors being used but more so the same colors just being re-used. The blue outline of the hand raised in the middle is the same blue outline for the holding hands and also the lightbulb. White is used to display the text or pictures but not used as background colors. Because there are various shaped rectangles and squares fit into one frame, and it gives the illusion of each box having its own theme but yet not one box has a color that wasn't already used in another part of the poster. This may be the reason why one maybe so drawn to the poster.

How do you see it?

This poster was one of the more plain posters that popped up when in search for both good and bad posters. Because of its plain design and just three words, it will probably be less likely for someone to choose. Its extremely simple, and even though people often say less is more, I don't think I agree in this case. The pastel colors makes the poster quite dull. Gray as the background almost is the same tone as the inside of the butterfly. That causes for their to be less focus on the actual image. So when you look at the image you notice the neutral tones and words more than anything else on the poster. Sine the words hope, believe, and dream are in a darker color that everything else on the page, that it what may immediatley catch someones eye. Not so much focusing on the poster as a whole.
Out of all the bad posters found this may be one of the best out of the worst (if that makes any sense). The text on the poster is what make it meaningful, but the display is where the poster lacks. Because whats written on the poster are words that may closely relate to the people viewing the poster, it can be better designed. The lack of variety of color, font and size is what may not make it very appealing. If images were used or maybe even just changing the position of the text would make it better. What the poster represents is great but how it was executed was very poor. Also because the frame is so small, the words are almost over powering the page. Being that the font size of one word is bigger than the other, brings more attention to just that one word instead of the whole text. You see that hope may have been what the creator wanted everyone to gain from the poster but is taking away from the rest of the words written on the poster.
When looking at this poster, it seems so bland. As meaningful as the topic of cancer is, the poster and its colors just don't do it justice. Since their isn't much color on the poster, the text have to be what makes some one stop and view the poster but it doesn't. The white back ground almost makes it look like its just typed up as a word document instead of an actual poster for cancer. Besides the word cancer, it doesn't show case the actual meaning of cancer and the slogan on the poster. Even adding a pop of color on the letters would've made it more appealing to the eye, than just a white background with black letters.

Before working on this assignment I didn't quite have as much understanding on posters as I thought I did. I have poster hanging up in my room and around my house but didn't realize how meaningful a poster can be. It can be just about anything you want it be. As I stated earlier it is just like a story but with less words, more color , pictures but can have the same impact.
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