Way to go Logo
Throughout the semester we have focused in on many design aspects. We have discussed how various aspects of a graphic design can be incorporated and cohesively make a great work of art. As the semester slowly wines down we have been able to add more of our creative touches on our work. Our personality shows through all of our projects but to me more so our logo and business card. Simply because their was format to follow or instructional when it came to the design it was just all of our creativity and personality displayed in one graphic. Much like the logos down below.

The simple overlapping of three letters into one, is what makes the logo so intriguing. No words placed around the logo just the letters in black and white. The placement of the Y and the L on the S are moved off to each side, with each letter looking as if its forming into the next.
No color along with just two C's is the perfect way to catch ones eye. Two simple letters are formed together creating what almost looks like a peep hole or maybe even a eye. The lack of color and symmetry is what makes the logo. Simple, clean, yet dynamic.
The use of just the red and orange-ish pantone colors is what makes this logo pop. Its a simple name placed horizontally in a thick bolded font, along with a graphic shaped liked a buddha in front. All the letters in the logo evenly spaced and have the proper kerning where its not an eye sore.
Three oval diamond leaf shapes are formed together creating what looks like a basic flower. Which alone would be an extremely basic design but isn't because of the 3 horizontal lines crossing through. All 3 lines evenly spaced and almost formed into the logo but still maintaining the rounded sides of the logo without looking out of place.
What I have learned while choosing these logos and while taking this course is that art has no rules. You can do what you want however you want and it can be considered art because that is the way you chose to express yourself and thats how I view these logos including my own. For all of the creators behind these five logos , their was probably a young person like me that just had an idea and a vision. Not sure how it was going to happen. Logos help give that business or brand life and identity. Almost like the first day off grade school when you are given a name tag. These logos are their name tags.
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